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error TS2322: Type 'void' is not assignable to type 'Promise<void> | JQueryPromise<void>'

I am using a remove method to emit a value to store. But getting an error as error TS2322: Type 'void' is not assignable to type 'Promise<void> | JQueryPromise<void>'. - how to fix this?

here the sample what i use:

here is my ts code :

ngOnChanges() {

        if (!this.subsystems) { return; }

        this.dataSource = new CustomStore({
            key: 'Id',
            load: (loadOptions) => this.loadData(loadOptions),
            update: (key: number, values) => this.updateData(key, values),
            remove: (key) => this.removeData(key) //getting error here


    loadData(loadOptions) {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            this.dataGrid.columns = this.columns;
            resolve({ data: this.subsystems, totalCount: 10 });

    removeData(key: any) {

error attached


  • error TS2322: Type 'void' is not assignable to type 'Promise | JQueryPromise'

    Then have the function underlined in red return a promise.

        removeData(key: any) {
            return Promise.resolve();

    That's a quick and somewhat dirty fix, though. Ideally, that promise would be resolved only after whoever listens to this.deleteId concluded all his business (but if nothing asynchronous happens there, you should be fine).