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How to validate soap webservice request parameters for XSS attcaks in java

how do i secure my api from Client site scripting attcaks or XSS attcaks?

we have a soap endpoint which is accessed by many clients and the incoming request data is to be validated for the correctness and security.

there is a chance that incoming request may have DOM object model or any suspicious data that breaks the application.

like below,

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:cus="" xmlns:ws="">

if there is any attacks from a hacker by passing maliciouse data as part of request parameters then i need to handle it and thro an error or don't allow the data to get processed.


  • The solution for this is ,you have to write an XSD(schema Definitions) file and this XSD should be able to validate against the element in above mentioned xml file.

    Answer: You have to import a package import javax.xml.*; . In that you will be able to validate your xml file against you xsd .

    For example : Employee.xsd EployeeRequest.xml

    <simpleType name="Imei">
    <documentation>A string representing the IMEI number. An IMEI will be of 15 digit.</documentation>
    <restriction base="string">
    <pattern value="\d{15}"/>
    validateXMLSchema("Employee.xsd", "EmployeeRequest.xml"));

    For reference click here.