I'm Trying to show a cartesian chart using data from DB. But I'm stuck at showing data to chart.
I checked the data is correctly put into seriescollection. So I think there is an error at data binding.
This is my code at xaml file.
<wpf:CartesianChart Name="mainChart" Grid.Row="1" Grid.ColumnSpan="8" Height="250" Series="{Binding mainData}">
<wpf:Axis Title="Date" Labels="{Binding mainDataLabel}"></wpf:Axis>
And below is some part of my code related with the chart.
public partial class MainWindow : Window
private SeriesCollection mainData;
private List<string> mainDataLabel;
public void GetDataAsCondition(SearchCondition condition)
// Here is some code to get data from DB
for (int idx = 0; idx < mainDataTable.Columns.Count; idx++)
if (idx > 0)
LineSeries tmpLineSeries = new LineSeries();
List<int> tmpDataList = new List<int>();
tmpLineSeries.Title = mainDataTable.Columns[idx].ColumnName;
for (int rowCnt = 0; rowCnt < mainDataTable.Rows.Count; rowCnt++)
tmpLineSeries.Values = new ChartValues<int>(tmpDataList);
else if (idx == 0)
for (int rowCnt = 0; rowCnt < mainDataTable.Rows.Count; rowCnt++)
I've checked binding property 'mainData' is declared at mainwindow class. So I think the binding should work. Where did I make a mistake in this code? Please help.
Thank you.
You're trying to perform the binding to a private field, which is wrong. If you want the binding to work properly mainData and mainDataLabel have to be public properties, instead of fields.
So... It should be:
public List<string> MainDataLabel { get;set; }
public SeriesCollection MainData { get;set; }
I hope it works for you :)