I'm creating a cross-platform application with Nativescript and Angular.
I had a custom font icon that I want to use. I had some svg
files that I turned into a ttf
file. When I use the chars with their unicode code it shows nothing.
What I've done is this:
Put the ttf file
on /src/fonts/icomoon.ttf (the same level of app)
Insert this code on app.css
.ico {
font-family: icomoon, icomoon;
font-weight: normal;
In the home.component.html file I'm using it like this:
<!-- other stuff -->
<Label row="0" col="1" text="&#E904;" class="ico" style="color:white; margin-right:20;" (tap)="showAlert()" />
Where am I wrong? Did I miss something?
P.S.: the unicode codes go from e900 to e907
P.P.S: I've already used Fontawesome and it works with this code. Now I want to use my own font and this code doesn't work.
I use this guide and I modified something.
In home.component.html
file I have:
<Label row="0" col="1" [text]="'ico-link' | fonticon" class="ico" style="color:white; margin-right:20;" (tap)="showAlert()" />
I addedd the file app/assets/icomoon.css
in which I put this:
font-family: 'icomoon';
src: url('../../fonts/icomoon');
src: url('../../fonts/icomoon') format('embedded-opentype'), url('../../fonts/icomoon') format('woff2'), url('../../fonts/icomoon') format('woff'), url('../../fonts/icomoon') format('truetype'), url('../../fonts/icomoon') format('svg');
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
.ico {
display: inline-block;
font: normal normal normal 14px/1 icomoon;
font-size: inherit;
text-rendering: auto;
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
.ico-link:before {
content: "\ue904";
and in app.ts
I added:
bootstrap: [
imports: [
'ico': './assets/icomoon.css'
After all this it still doesn't work. The icon isn't show.
I have updated your playground here. It is working fine now.
In your html I am binding text like this.
<Label textWrap="true" text="{{iconmoonLbl}}" class="ico"></Label>
and in the .ts file I am using String.fromCharcode
this.iconmoonLbl = String.fromCharCode(0xe904);//'&#E904;'