I'm working on factoring large semi-prime numbers. I am working on Java but I am just curious to explore other options as well. I know C++ Boost multiprecision supports large numbers.
I found the following information from Boost page:
typedef number<cpp_int_backend<128, 128, unsigned_magnitude, unchecked, void> > uint128_t;
typedef number<cpp_int_backend<256, 256, unsigned_magnitude, unchecked, void> > uint256_t;
typedef number<cpp_int_backend<512, 512, unsigned_magnitude, unchecked, void> > uint512_t;
typedef number<cpp_int_backend<1024, 1024, unsigned_magnitude, unchecked, void> > uint1024_t;
My question is, what is the limit of largest number of cpp_int type? In Java BigInteger supports upto 2^Integer.MAX_VALUE.
Thank you.
does not have a [theoretical] maximum valueIt's important to bear in mind that in Java, the maximum size of the value is constrained by the physical limitations of the Java Virtual Machine to represent a value. In the underlying implementation, Java (probably) implements BigInteger
with something like this:
public class BigInteger {
private long[] bits;//limited by the maximum size of an array in Java
Disclaimer: I do not know whether they use long[]
or int[]
to store bits.
Similarly, in C++, cpp_int
is, once you scrape away the abstractions, implemented with a pretty similar construction:
class boost::multiprecision::cpp_int {
uint64_t * bits;
uint64_t * end; //Points to the element-after-the-last in bits
Disclaimer Again: they probably do something a little smarter than this.
What puts the theoretical limit on Java is the fact that the JVM places a hard cap on array sizes at Integer.MAX_VALUE
because arrays are indexed with int
instead of long
. C++ can directly use pointers, so the maximum size of cpp_int
in C++ is proportional to the maximum memory range that a pointer can address—which in 64-bit architectures is usually-but-not-always™ 264-1; or in other words, the maximum value of cpp_int
is 2264-1-1, give-or-take an order of magnitude depending on how they implement the sign.
In environments that support larger pointers (or pointers that can address a larger range of memory), the maximum value is probably greater.
In practice, the largest value for cpp_int
(and Java's BigInteger
, for that matter) is the practical limit on how much memory your runtime environment is allowed to allocate.