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How to Pass in Certificates and Corresponding Password Files to Docker

I'm fairly new to Docker and while there is a ton of information out there, I'm not sure I understand enough to decipher the correct solution to what I'm asking here. Basically, I have a java app/jar file that I want to run inside of a docker container. Based on some examples on the internet, I've created a Dockerfile that looks like:

FROM openjdk:8-jdk-alpine

ADD target/custom-app-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar custom-app.jar

ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-Xmx4096", "-Xms1024m", "","$(cat /home/username/scripts/jks-password)", "", "", "$(cat /home/username/scripts/server-password)", "", "-Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.2", "-jar", "/custom-app.jar"]

In some of the params I pass into the ENTRYPOINT command, I say where my keystore and trust store files are located, as well as the corresponding files that hold their respective passwords/passphrases.

What is the best way in docker to have the user who uses this image to pass in their own certificates with their own passwords?


  • For a container run locally on a single node, especially a developer environment, you typically mount a volume from the host with these credentials. E.g.

    docker run -v /host/path/creds.pem:/container/path/creds.pem:ro your_image

    If you can get to swarm mode, docker injects secrets as a read only in memory file that is only stored encrypted on the managers, and in memory on the workers that need the secret. This can be as easy as:

    docker secret create creds /host/path/creds.pem

    And then run the container as a service:

    docker service create --secret creds your_image

    More details on secrets are available at:

    For reproducibility, I typically do this in a compose file. You can find the syntax here: