I have html code like below
<div id="1">
<div id="2">
<div id="3">
<div id="4">
I need to parse this HTML code. I need to iterate through all div tags present and Search for "Search" in the td's in every div iteratively. If present get its 2nd adjacend td value i.e., Fail / Success. if If is "Fail" then I need to again search for "ID" and if present I need to print its 2nd adjacent div value i.e., 123 and 789 in this case.
Pseudo code might look like below
if(code contains "Status")
1. Get its 2nd td value i.e., Fail/Success
if(td value is "Fail")
1. Search for "ID"
if("ID" present)
Print the number/2nd adjacent <td> value
I had tried this in javascript something like below
var t0=$(this).find('tr:has(td:contains("Test Status"))');
if (t0.length)
var str0 =t0.text().trim();
str0 = /:(.+)/.exec(str0)[1];
if(str0 == "FAIL")
var t1=$(this).find('tr:has(td:contains("Test ID"))');
if (t1.length)
str =t1.text().trim();
str = /:(.+)/.exec(str)[1];
// alert(str);
But I need to do it in java using jsoup. I tried somethinng like below
String htmlString = fileContent;
Document document = Jsoup.parse(htmlString);
Elements elements = document.body().select("div"); for (Element element : elements) { String link = element.select("td:contains(Test Status)").attr("<tr>");
if(link != null || !(link.isEmpty()))
Kindly help me with this. I don't know how to proceed.
Thanks in advance.
Kindly help me with this.
You can use Java Streams to solve this:
List<String> failedIds = document.body().select("div table").stream()
.map(e -> e.select("tr"))
.filter(trs -> "FAIL".equalsIgnoreCase(trs.last().select("td").last().text()))
.map(trs -> trs.first().select("td").last().text())
The result will be:
[123, 789]
First you select div table
to get all the elements. Then you select all tr
s and filter those which have Status Fail
(trs -> trs.first().select("td").last().text()
). At the end you map the ID (trs -> trs.first().select("td").last().text()
To print the ids instead of creating a List you can use .forEach()
document.body().select("div table").stream()
.map(e -> e.select("tr"))
.filter(trs -> "FAIL".equalsIgnoreCase(trs.last().select("td").last().text()))
.map(trs -> trs.first().select("td").last().text())
Alternatively you can use this (without Streams):
for (Element e : document.body().select("div table")) {
Elements trs = e.select("tr");
if ("FAIL".equalsIgnoreCase(trs.last().select("td").last().text())) {
String id = trs.first().select("td").last().text();