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PMD Failure: ILogin:73 Rule:ConstantsInInterface Priority:3 Avoid constants in interfaces

Can someone tell me how to exclude some interfaces from PMD analysis using maven. I am getting the below exception while making the maven build.

PMD Failure: ILogin$RetrieveLoginInfo_:4 Rule:ConstantsInInterface Priority:3 Avoid constants in interfaces. Interfaces define types, constants are implementation details better placed in classes or enums. See Effective Java, item 19.. [

I have added in pom's properties. This is my entry in pom.xml properties.

<pmd.excludeFromFailureFile>${project.basedir}/src/etc/</pmd.excludeFromFailureFile> entry:

com.login.ILogin=ConstantsInInterface Priority:3 Avoid constants in interfaces.


public interface ILogin {
    interface RetrieveLoginInfo_ {
    int STATUS=0

But maven is not exluding ILogin interface from PMD analysis.


  • Firstly, the structure of your is incorrect. As per

    You are expected to use the rule name alone as the value (comma-separated), so in this case it should read:


    That being said, I think you are expecting a different behavior from this property.

    This will simply avoid the pmd:check task from failing if the only violation reported is that one on that file. It will not ignore the file from analysis. It's meant mostly as a way to incrementally enable PMD on a legacy project.

    You should probably use a different approach for the use case you describe.

    1. You can simply suppress this warning in the source code, following
    2. You can actually ignore the file from analysis (for all rules!) through a custom ruleset, following