I'm trying to dynamically create some choice chip components based on an ArrayList of String from some computation and following are the code to create the chips and adding them to a ChipGroup created in layout XML file.
if (mChipGroup.getChildCount() == 0 ){
int i = 0;
for (Classifier.Recognition res: results){
Chip resultChip = new Chip(getDialog().getContext());
ChipDrawable chipDrawable =
The Chips displayed correctly with the text but when I tried to call getText() on the chips, it always return empty String but not the text contained by the chips. I tested this by setting the OnCheckedChangeListener on the ChipGroup and making a Toast with the text (though it didn;'t work). When I tried to display only the checkedId it works.
mChipGroup.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new ChipGroup.OnCheckedChangeListener() {
public void onCheckedChanged(ChipGroup group, int checkedId) {
Chip chip = group.findViewById(checkedId);
if(chip != null){
Toast.makeText(getContext(), chip.getText().toString(),Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
My current workaround is to have a variable holding the array results and use ArrayList.get(selectedChipId.getTitle())
. but don't think it should be that way though
I also found that it is able to get text from Chips added in layout file but not run-time added Chips. Tried with both 1.1.0/alpha06 and 1.1.0/alpha07 release but am having no luck. Would like to have some advice if possible. Thank you very much.
So, it seems like a bug as per answered in here and here. Current workaround is to use ((ChipDrawable) chip.getChipDrawable()).getText()