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Highcharter Map for categories

I am trying to create a Highchart Map of Europe with R for categories instead of numbers.

Lets say I have the dataset below and I want that the Map shows a color for each category. Categories are: "Red", "Blue", "Green".

mapData <- data_frame(country = c("PT", "FR", "IT", "DE"), 
value = c("Red","Blue","Green","Red"))

Then I need the map to show the categories:

hcmap(map = 'custom/europe', data = mapData,
  joinBy = c("iso-a2","country"), value = "value")

The problem is that the result gives me black for each country in my data frame.


  • Here is a suggestion for a possible solution:

    mapData <- tibble(country = c("PT", "FR", "IT", "DE"),  
                      value = c(1, 2, 3, 1))
    hcmap(map = 'custom/europe', data =,
      joinBy = c("iso-a2","country"), value = "value") %>%
         dataClasses = list(list(from=1, to=1, color="red", name="PT-DE"),
                            list(from=2, to=2, color="blue", name="FR"),
                            list(from=3, to=3, color="green", name="IT")))

    enter image description here