Search code examples

How can I return actual data from Neo4j using the .net driver?

The data itself is just names of movies and corresponding nicknames. In the neo4j browser, under code>response, it would return:

"keys": [
"length": 2,
"_fields": [
    "Iceburg Movie"
"_fieldLookup": {
  "": 0,
  "n.Nickname": 1
"keys": [
"length": 2,
"_fields": [
  "Jurrasic Park",
    "Dinosaur Movie"
"_fieldLookup": {
  "": 0,
  "n.Nickname": 1
"keys": [
"length": 2,
"_fields": [
  "Fast and Furious",
    "Car Movie",
    "Race Movie",
    "Drag Race Movie"
"_fieldLookup": {
  "": 0,
  "n.Nickname": 1

I tested the cypher below in the Neo4j browser and it does exactly what I want it to. The problem is that I can't seem to get that data in my C# app.

        using (ISession session = driver.Session())
            IStatementResult result = session.Run("match (n:movie) " +
                "where ANY(name IN n.Nickname where name contains \"" + Nickname + "\")" +
                "return, n.Nickname");
        return result;

I only really want values and maybe keys but any way I can get any form of the data would be helpful.


  • In C#, a variable (like result) is not available outside of the code block (surrounded by braces, { }) that it is defined in.