Recently I was looking for a way to rewrite an ugly switch/case statement and came across this Medium article.
I rewrote my switch/case into an es6 function like this:
const url = category => ({
'itemA': itemAService.getItemCategories(payload),
'itemB': itemBService.getItemCategories(payload),
When I call this function with something like const response = url(category);
it works, which is great! But then I got to wondering what exactly the [category]
means at the end of the function. I thought maybe it was an Immediately Invoked Function, but that didn't seem right either.
The article mentions that it's an object literal, but when I went to the MDN docs I couldn't find anything that explained what this is or what it does, or even any examples that showcase this same thing.
So what does it do?
It's not "after" the function, it is in the functions body. It could also be written as:
const url = category => {
const obj = {
'itemA': itemAService.getItemCategories(payload),
'itemB': itemBService.getItemCategories(payload),
return obj[category];
So this is basically just a dynamic property lookup in the object.