I am trying to write a JXA script in Apple Script Editor that converts PNG files to base64 strings, which can then be added to a JSON object.
I cannot seem to find a JXA method that works for doing the base64 encoding /decoding part.
I came across a droplet which was written using Shell Script that outsources the task to openssl and then outputs a .b64 file:
for f in "$@"
openssl base64 -in "$f" -out "$f.b64"
So I was thinking of Frankenstein'ing this up to a method that uses evalAS to run inline AppleScript, per the example:
(() => {
'use strict';
// evalAS2 :: String -> IO a
const evalAS2 = s => {
const a = Application.currentApplication();
return (a.includeStandardAdditions = true, a)
return evalAS2(
'use scripting additions\n\
for f in' + '\x22' + file + '\x22\n'
openssl base64 -in "$f" -out "$f.b64"
And then re-opening the .b64 file in the script, but this all seems rather long-winded and clunky.
I know that it is possible to use Cocoa in JXA scripts, and I see that there are methods for base64 encoding/decoding in Cocoa...
As well as Objective-C:
NSData *imageData = UIImagePNGRepresentation(myImageView.image);
NSString * base64String = [imageData base64EncodedStringWithOptions:0];
The JXA Cookbook has a whole section going over Syntax for Calling ObjC functions, which I am trying to read over. From what I understand, it should look something like:
var image_to_convert = $.NSData.alloc.UIImagePNGRepresentation(image)
var image_as_base64 = $.NSString.alloc.base64EncodedStringWithOptions(image_to_convert)
But I just am a total noob to this, so it is still difficult for me to understand it all.
In the speculative code above, I am not sure where I would get the image data from?
I am currently trying:
var image = $.NSImage.alloc.initWithContentsOfFile(file)
var image_to_convert = $.NSData.alloc.UIImagePNGRepresentation(image)
var image_as_base64 = $.NSString.alloc.base64EncodedStringWithOptions(image_to_convert)
But it is resulting in the following errors:
$.NSData.alloc.UIImagePNGRepresentation is not a function. (In '$.NSData.alloc.UIImagePNGRepresentation(image)', '$.NSData.alloc.UIImagePNGRepresentation' is undefined)
I am guessing it is because UIImagePNGRepresentation is of the UIKit framework, which is an iOS thing and not OS X?
I came across this post, which suggests this:
NSArray *keys = [NSArray arrayWithObject:@"NSImageCompressionFactor"];
NSArray *objects = [NSArray arrayWithObject:@"1.0"];
NSDictionary *dictionary = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjects:objects forKeys:keys];
NSImage *image = [[NSImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:[imageField stringValue]];
NSBitmapImageRep *imageRep = [[NSBitmapImageRep alloc] initWithData:[image TIFFRepresentation]];
NSData *tiff_data = [imageRep representationUsingType:NSPNGFileType properties:dictionary];
NSString *base64 = [tiff_data encodeBase64WithNewlines:NO];
But again, I have no idea how this translates to JXA. I just am determined to get something working.
I was hoping that there was some way of just doing it in plain old JavaScript that will work in a JXA script?
I look forward to any answers and/or pointers that you might be able to provide. Thank you all in advance!
I'm sorry I never worked with JXA but a lot in Objective-C.
I think You are getting the compile errors, because You are trying to always allocate new Objects.
I think it should be the simply:
var imageData = $.NSData.alloc.initWithContentsOfFile(file);
var image_as_base64 = imageData.base64EncodedStringWithOptions(0); // Call method of allocated object
0 is a constant for Base64 encodings to just get the base64 String.
var theString = ObjC.unwrap(image_as_base64);
This to make the value visible to JXA