I want the parse throw the Forwarded Events in the Event Viewer to get an overview about the last 12 hours. This is not a problem when using the application or system log. But when I try the same with the Forwarded Events log it throws an error.
Error Message:
System.InvalidOperationException: The event log 'ForwardedEvents' on computer '.' does not exist
The way I get the Logs at the moment:
EventLog systemLog = new EventLog("System");
EventLog forwardedLog = new EventLog("ForwardedEvents");
So I tried changing the ForwardedEvents to "system\forwardedevents", "Forwarded Events" but this also did not work.
I noticed that if I' using the following the the Forwarded Events don't show up.
Is there any other way to read the Event Viewer?
Please use EventLogReader
Try with the following:
static void Main(string[] args)
EventLogQuery eventsQuery = new EventLogQuery("ForwardedEvents", PathType.LogName);
EventLogReader logReader = new EventLogReader(eventsQuery);
for (EventRecord eventdetail = logReader.ReadEvent(); eventdetail != null; eventdetail = logReader.ReadEvent())
catch (EventLogNotFoundException e)
Console.WriteLine("Error while reading the event logs");
I don't have any forwarded event but it does not fail.