I'm creating a game that requires a lot of setup. I decided to add a configuration file (.ini) and a reader to get the information. My ini file is setup as follows:
-cmd arg0 arg1
I initially only had one command which worked fine until I added a second. For whatever reason, I receive an std::logic_error when my command is not the first one.
// this works
-load w "someName"
// this doesn't
-delete "someName"
Here is the code used to read the file:
std::string ini_file_path = "";
ini_file_path += PROGRAM_FOLDER;
ini_file_path += "\\blockgame.ini";
std::ifstream ini_file(ini_file_path);
if (!ini_file.is_open()) std::cout << "Couldn't find configuration file at " << ini_file_path << std::endl;
std::string line;
while(std::getline(ini_file, line))
if (starts_with(line, "-load "))
std::string arg0 = "";
unsigned int index = 6;
for (; index < line.size(); index++)
char c = line[index];
if (c == ' ') break;
arg0 += c;
std::string arg1 = "";
bool reached_quote = false;
for (; index < line.size(); index++)
char c = line[index];
if (c == ' ' && !reached_quote) continue;
if (c == '\"' && !reached_quote)
reached_quote = true;
else if (c == '\"') break;
arg1 += c;
sfr = new SaveFolderReader(arg1);
if (arg0 == "new")
else if (arg0 == "def")
else if (starts_with(line, "-delete "))
std::string arg0 = "";
unsigned int index = 8;
for (; index < line.size(); index++)
char c = line[index];
if (c == ' ') break;
arg0 += c;
std::string world_path = "";
world_path += PROGRAM_FOLDER;
world_path += "\\save\\";
world_path += arg0;
if (rmdir(world_path.c_str()) != 0)
std::cout << "Error deleting world \"" << arg0 << "\"" << std::endl;
inline bool starts_with(const std::string& target, const std::string& prefix)
if (target.size() < prefix.size())
return false;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < prefix.size(); i++)
if (target[i] != prefix[i])
return false;
return true;
constant is just the parent folder of the path returned by argv[0]
in main. I can't run the debugger on this code because the path changes to something strange when I do that.
I know that this error shows up because of a nullptr initialization of std::string but I still have no idea why this is happening.
I've tried typing in random characters into the config file and get the same result. It baffles me that the first if-statement works fine but the second one doesn't (when I use the -delete command).
Any suggestions would be of great use, thanks in advance!
It turns out that the error wasn't coming from that block of code at all. What was happening was that my game tried to load data in afterwards but because I didn't write the load command there was nothing to read from. I fixed my Debugger issue (For whatever reason the char[] I allocated stored different data when the debugger ran) and just reverted to std::strings.