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How can I implement a data migration with PowerShell?

I'm supposed to move data from an old server to a new one while changing the structure.


  • old: "C:\test\old\Data\Werkstatt\06. Aufträge\companyA\200031_Signs"
  • new: "C:\test\new\Data\06. Aufträge\companyA\200031_companyA_Signs"

In the old structure, the orders of a company are in a single folder. In the new structure, all orders are to be migrated directly under the orders folder. The name consists of the order number + separator + company name + name.

current task is the folders that were successfully copied from "C:\test\old\Data\Werkstatt\06. Aufträge\%company%\" in the folder "C:\test\old\Data\Werkstatt\06. Aufträge\%company%\Z_Transfered" to move.

I tried:

$sourcepath = "C:\test\old\Data\Werkstatt\06. Aufträge"
$basepath = "C:\test\new\Data\06. Aufträge"

$Orders = Get-ChildItem -Path $sourcepath -Directory -Recurse -Depth 1
ForEach ($Order in $Orders ) {
if  ($"20")){
    $NewFolderName = "{0}\{1}" -f ($BasePath),($order.Name.insert(6,"_" + $order.parent.Name))
    $NewFolder = New-Item -Path $NewFolderName -ItemType "directory"
    Copy-Item -Path "$($Order.FullName)\*" -Destination $NewFolder -Recurse -Force

#under construction
    $MoveFolderName = Join-Path -path $sourcepath -ChildPath $order.parent | Join-Path -ChildPath "Z_Transfered"
    if (-not (Test-Path $MoveFolderName))
     New-Item -Path  $MoveFolderName -ItemType "directory"
    $MoveFolder = $MoveFolderName +"\" + $
    Move-Item -Path "$($Order.FullName)\*" -Destination $MoveFolder
    $error > $sourcepath"\error.log"


I adapted the code I got yesterday. Currently I have one more error in the code.

Copy content to the right place works now. Currently he creates the folder Z_Transfered below the customer folder. The problem seems to be with Move-Item. Currently, the folder is not moved to Z_Transfered, only the files under the customer folder are moved and, unfortunately, also renamed. Can someone help me here please?


  • You can get the parentfolder of a folder by putting .parent to the pathobject > $path.parent. And you can even get the grandparent that way > $path.parent.parent. So all that is left is a little string manipulation to get the new folder name:

    $sourcepath = "d:\test\Data\Orders"    # Adjust this
    $BasePath = "d:\test\Data\Orders"    # Adjust this
    $Orders = Get-ChildItem -Path $sourcepath -Directory -Recurse -Depth 2
    ForEach ($Order in $Orders ) {
        if ( $Order.parent.parent.Name -eq "Orders" ){
            $NewFolderName = "{0}\{1}" -f ($BasePath),($order.Name.replace("_","_$($Order.parent)_"))
            $NewFolder = New-Item -Path $NewFolderName -ItemType "directory"
            Move-Item -Path "$($Order.FullName)\*" -Destination $NewFolder -WhatIf

    In Powershell 5 Get-ChildItem got the -Depth parameter so you can limit it to search only two levels below your $sourcepath. The replace will look for _ in the foldername so make sure thery all contain only one.