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Can we have @Column and @OneToOne both annotation for one of the variable?

I have 2 tables

  • Table a - id,b_id,name

  • Table b - id , name

when I have to make POJO Entity, I wanted to have b_id as a column and as well as foreign key to fetch values from b .


  • That's no problem. But you have to mark the column read-only either on the b_id column or in the relationship.

    Example 1 Column read only:

    public class A {
        @Column(insertable = false, updateable = false)
        private Integer bId;
        private B b;

    Example 2 Relationship read only:

    public class A {
        private Integer bId;
        @JoinColumn(name="b_id", insertable = false, updatable = false)
        private B b;