Search code examples

Replicate rows in Matrix

I have a matrix

DOG.             4
CAT.             3
MOUSE.           6
PIG.             1
HORSE.           9

Names of animals are row names. Now I have the matrix :

B <- 
             A1.   A2.     A3.    A4.      A5.    A6.    
AGE.         16.   15.     4.      9.      11.    12pm

I would like to replicate the row age based on how many row names are in matrix A.


                  A1.   A2.     A3.    A4.      A5.    A6.    
DOG.             16.    15.      4.     9.      11.    12
CAT              16.    15.      4.     9.      11.    12
MOUSE            16.    15.      4.     9.      11.    12 
HORSE            16.    15.      4.     9.      11.    12
PIG              16.    15.      4.     9.      11.    12.



  • Not sure what you are trying to do, but you can use replicate and assign the rownames after, i.e.

    m3 <- t(replicate(nrow(m1), m2[1,]))
    rownames(m3) <- rownames(m1)
    #      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
    #DOG     16   15    4    9   11   12
    #CAT     16   15    4    9   11   12
    #MOUSE   16   15    4    9   11   12
    #PIG     16   15    4    9   11   12
    #HORSE   16   15    4    9   11   12


    structure(c("4", "3", "6", "1", "9"), .Dim = c(5L, 1L), .Dimnames = list(
        c("DOG", "CAT", "MOUSE", "PIG", "HORSE"), NULL))
    structure(c(16, 15, 4, 9, 11, 12), .Dim = c(1L, 6L), .Dimnames = list(
        "AGE", NULL))