How to find sum of numbers from 0 to n modulus 109 + 7, where n ≤ 1018?
I want to store the result in long long int only and not in array or string. My code results in a run time error.
const unsigned int m = 1000000007;
long long int n;
cin >> n;
long long int s = 0;
for (long long int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
s = ((s % m) + (i % m)) % m;
cout << s << endl;
Sum of n natural numbers is given by the formula, n * (n + 1) / 2
. So, you don't need to iterate over n to calculate the sum.
As, n can be up-to 1018, computing the sum using, (n * (n + 1) / 2) % MOD
would result in integer overflow. Instead, modular arithmetic property, (a * b) % MOD
is congruent to ((a % MOD) * (b % MOD)) % MOD
, should be used to compute the sum. .
Thus, the sum can be computed using:
((n % MOD * (n + 1) % MOD) % MOD) / 2
The code would look something like this,
const long long int MOD = 1e9 + 7;
long long int n;
cin >> n;
long long s
s = ((n % MOD * (n + 1) % MOD) % MOD) / 2;
cout << s << '\n';