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How to use salt to test out jinja functionality?

I am looking for a way to test if salt would render a jinja template the way I expect it to.

If I have a file template.sls containing:

{% for usr in ['moe','larry','curly'] %}
{{ usr }}:
{% endfor %}

Can I run a salt command that will show me the rendered template?

NB: I understand that what's happening is Jinja doing the rendering, and I can template it in python. But I want to ensure that I am using the Jinja version used by salt. AFAIK salt embeds the jinja engine.

An example of what I am looking for is a salt command that would function similarly to the following ansible command:

The following was taken from accepted answer to: How can I test jinja2 templates in ansible?

3_Ansible (using --check)
Create test playbook jinja2test.yml:

- hosts:
  - name: Test jinja2template
    template: src=test.j2 dest=test.conf

and run it:

ansible-playbook jinja2test.yml --check --diff --connection=local

sample output:

PLAY [] **************************************************************

GATHERING FACTS ***************************************************************

ok: []

TASK: [Test jinja2template] ***************************************************
--- before: test.conf
+++ after: /Users/user/ansible/test.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@

changed: []

PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************                  : ok=2    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0


  • In order to display the resulting SLS you can use the slsutil.renderer

    It's quite easy, and should do the trick. In my case I'm using it like this:

    salt 'test01' slsutil.renderer salt://blabla/test.sls 'jinja|yaml'