I was working around with JSON files that I could use in my program. However, I was a bit confused on how to use the library. For example, this is the following JSON file I am trying to parse here:
"shoes": [
"shoeName": "Shoe",
"shoePrice": "120",
"brand": "Shoe",
"typeOfShoes": "Running",
"style": "Cool",
"Color": [
"Sizes": [
"Description": "The Shoe SE features sleek lines and a sheer upper that combine classic Air Max elements into a lightweight, comfortable and versatile icon. Together with its smart toe-down profile and extra lift, the shoe offers an ever-bigger expression..",
"shipping": "0",
"tax": "0",
"sub-total": "0",
"review": "4.5",
"images": [
"totalUsers": "60",
"totalRaffles": "80",
"clientID_Paypal": "",
"clientSecret_Paypal": "",
"isSold": "false"
"shoeName": "Empty Shoe",
"shoePrice": "",
"brand": "",
"typeOfShoes": "",
"style": "",
"Color": [
"Sizes": [
"Description": "",
"shipping": "",
"tax": "",
"sub-total": "",
"review": "",
"images": [
"totalUsers": "",
"totalRaffles": "",
"clientID_Paypal": "",
"clientSecret_Paypal": "",
"isSold": "false"
"shoeName": "Empty Shoe1",
"shoePrice": "",
"brand": "",
"typeOfShoes": "",
"style": "",
"Color": [
"Sizes": [
"Description": "",
"shipping": "",
"tax": "",
"sub-total": "",
"review": "",
"images": [
"totalUsers": "",
"totalRaffles": "",
"clientID_Paypal": "",
"clientSecret_Paypal": "",
"isSold": "false"
The JSON file is thoroughly simple. Inside, there is an array of objects called "shoes" which each have their own shoeName, shoePrice, brand, etc. However, how would I be able to create an array "Shoe" objects by retrieving each of the values in the JSON file?
My Shoe.java:
import java.awt.Image;
public class Shoe {
public int shoePrice;
public int shipping;
public int tax;
public int subtotal;
public int totalUsers;
public double review;
public int totalRaffles;
public int rafflesBought;
public String shoeName;
public String style;
public String typeOfShoes;
public String brand;
public Image[] images;
public String name;
public String description;
public String[] colors;
public String[] sizes;
public boolean isSold;
public Shoe(int shoePrice, int shipping, int tax, int subtotal, double review,
int totalRaffles, int rafflesBought,
String shoeName, String style, String typeOfShoes, String brand,
Image[] images,
String description, String[] colors, String[] sizes,
boolean isSold) {
this.shoePrice = shoePrice;
this.shipping = shipping;
this.tax = tax;
this.subtotal = subtotal;
this.review = review;
this.totalRaffles = totalRaffles;
this.rafflesBought = rafflesBought;
this.sizes = sizes;
this.shoeName = shoeName;
this.style = style;
this.typeOfShoes = typeOfShoes;
this.images = images;
this.description = description;
this.colors = colors;
this.isSold = isSold;
this.brand = brand;
What I have tried:
I have tried to define a Shoe array and tried initializing it using a for loop to retrive the values, make a Shoe, and add it to the array, however, I am confused on how you would be able to program this.
Use a library like GSON to convert JSON to Object.
In pom.xml, add dependency to GSON:
Since your JSON returns String even for integers and doubles, this is the suitable definition for your Shoe Class.
public class Shoe
public String shoeName;
public String shoePrice;
public String brand;
public String typeOfShoes;
public String style;
public String[] Color;
public String[] Sizes;
public String Description;
public String shipping;
public String tax;
public String subtotal;
public String review;
public String[] images;
public String totalUsers;
public String totalRaffles;
public String clientID_Paypal;
public String clientSecret_Paypal;
public boolean isSold;
Since 'shoes" is the parent level object, you need to define it as well
public class Shoes
private List<Shoe> shoes;
public List<Shoe> getShoes()
return shoes;
public void setShoes(List<Shoe> shoes)
this.shoes = shoes;
Assume jsonData is the JSON input as String, below code would convert JSON string to "Shoes" object which contain List
Gson gson = new Gson();
Type dataType = (new TypeToken<Shoes>()
Shoes shoeList = gson.fromJson(jsonData, dataType);
for(Shoe e: shoeList.getShoes()) {