let's say i've a preordered array of object such as this one:
let data = [
{ moment: '00:01', otherProp: 'something', somethingMore: 'someelse'},
{ moment: '01:10', otherProp: 'something', somethingMore: 'someelse'},
{ moment: '05:37', otherProp: 'something', somethingMore: 'someelse'},
{ moment: '07:51', otherProp: 'something', somethingMore: 'someelse'},
//and so on
I've got in input x which is formatted as an hour:minutes string (ex. x='06:05') and i need to find the two consecutive objects (data[i] and data[i+1]) such that data[i].moment <= x < data[i+1].moment
Suppose the array has almost 200 elements and i need to fastest way to find the results. Do i've to implement the binary search from scratch? is there a library i can use?
Do i've to implement the binary search from scratch?
what's the point? it's just a few lines of code:
let data = [
{ moment: '00:01', otherProp: 'something', somethingMore: 'someelse'},
{ moment: '01:10', otherProp: 'something', somethingMore: 'someelse'},
{ moment: '05:37', otherProp: 'something', somethingMore: 'someelse'},
{ moment: '07:51', otherProp: 'something', somethingMore: 'someelse'},
//and so on
let search = '06:05';
let lo = -1, hi = data.length-1, mid;
while(hi > lo){
if(data[mid=(lo+hi+1)>>1].moment > search) {
hi = mid-1;
} else {
lo = mid;