I have an array that takes input from the user from answering multiple questions. These values are stored in my vuex store and the results are displayed on screen in a draggable list.
computed: {
allValues() {
const val1 = this.responses1
const val2 = this.responses2
const val3 = this.responses3
const val4 = this.responses4
const val5 = this.responses5
const val6 = this.responses6
const val7 = this.responses7
const coreValues = val1.concat(val2,val3,val4,val5,val6,val7)
this.$store.dispatch('corevalues/loadCoreValues', coreValues)
return this.$store.getters['corevalues/getCoreValues']
Draggable List
<draggable :v-model="allValues"
options:='group: "allValues"'>
<div v-for="val in allValues" :key="val.value">
{{ allValues }}
However, on screen although I can drag and sort the values - they do not reorder in the Vuex Store, only on-screen.
1) I need them to re-order in the store.
2) Although a single array is created through the user input I require users to be able to drag values into a second or even a third column in order to group them.
How do I make it so my on screen changes are reflected in the store - even in a new array - and so that my list can be split up into multiple columns?
This my my Code Sandbox: https://codesandbox.io/embed/vue-template-j53g3
EDIT: After Sabee response
I have implemented the following code:
allValues: {
handler: function(newValue) {
console.log('here', newValue)
this.$store.dispatch("corevalues/loadCoreValues", newValue);
deep: true // deep watching changes
But as the image below shows - the arary {{ allValues }}
is still in the same order even though it has been re-arranged on screen.
2nd edit
Updated code as advised.
Console is logging 'Drag Ended' but as the screenshot below shows the Core Values in the store has not updated - this is after 'reloading state' via dev tools.
You can use
list: {
handler: function(newValue) {
// do your job
// this.$store.commit("updateList", value);
// commit your changes to store
deep: true // deep watching changes
for checking changes and re-orders, also good solution create a button for saving user changes to store.
So drag changes not wathed :( ...
But there are events in vue-draggable @end
On drag end you can store sorted array in vuex store
<draggable :v-model="allValues" @end="onEnd">
<div v-for="val in allValues" :key="val.value">{{val.value}}</div>
And in methods
methods: {
console.log("Drag ended")
this.$store.dispatch("corevalues/loadCoreValues", this.allValues);
import draggable from "vuedraggable";
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
num: 1,
responses1: [],
responses2: [],
responses3: [],
responses4: [],
responses5: [],
responses6: [],
responses7: [],
question: [
id: 1,
question: "What do you believe defines the culture at your company?"
id: 2,
"What values do you bring to your work that you consistently uphold whether or not they are rewarded?"
id: 3,
"What do you truly stand for in your work? What do you believe your company truly stands for?"
id: 4,
"What do your customers believe about you? What do they believe you stand for?"
id: 5,
"What values does your company consistently adhere to in the face of obstacles?"
id: 6,
question: "What are your company’s greatest strengths?"
id: 7,
"What are the top three to five most important behaviours you should expect from every employee (including you)?"
computed: {
number(number) {
return this.number + number;
// allValues: {
// // get() {
// // const val1 = this.responses1;
// // const val2 = this.responses2;
// // const val3 = this.responses3;
// // const val4 = this.responses4;
// // const val5 = this.responses5;
// // const val6 = this.responses6;
// // const val7 = this.responses7;
// // const coreValues = val1.concat(val2, val3, val4, val5, val6, val7);
// // // this.$store.dispatch("corevalues/loadCoreValues", coreValues);
// // // return this.$store.getters["corevalues/getCoreValues"];
// // return coreValues;
// // },
// }
watch: {
responses1: {
handler: function(newValue) {
deep: true // deep watching changes if you need
// responses from 2 to 7: {
// handler: function(newValue) {
// console.log(newValue)
// this.appendWithoutDublicates(this.responses1)
// },
// deep: true // deep watching changes if you need
// },
allValues: {
handler: function(newValue) {
this.$store.dispatch("corevalues/loadCoreValues", newValue);
deep: true // deep watching changes if you need
methods: {
this.allValues = this.allValues.concat(values.filter(item => {
return this.allValues.findIndex(obj => obj.value === item.value) < 0;
onEnd() {
console.log("Drag ended");
this.$store.dispatch("corevalues/loadCoreValues", this.allValues);
setValues() {
// this.allValues = coreValues
questionNumber(num) {
this.num += num;
addresponse1: function() {
var elem = document.createElement("tr");
value: ""
removeElement1: function(index) {
this.responses1.splice(index, 1);
addresponse2: function() {
var elem = document.createElement("tr");
value: ""
removeElement2: function(index) {
this.responses2.splice(index, 1);
addresponse3: function() {
var elem = document.createElement("tr");
value: ""
removeElement3: function(index) {
this.responses3.splice(index, 1);
addresponse4: function() {
var elem = document.createElement("tr");
value: ""
removeElement4: function(index) {
this.responses4.splice(index, 1);
addresponse5: function() {
var elem = document.createElement("tr");
value: ""
removeElement5: function(index) {
this.responses5.splice(index, 1);
addresponse6: function() {
var elem = document.createElement("tr");
value: ""
removeElement6: function(index) {
this.responses6.splice(index, 1);
addresponse7: function() {
var elem = document.createElement("tr");
value: ""
removeElement7: function(index) {
this.responses7.splice(index, 1);
And update draggable also
<draggable :list="allValues" @end="onEnd">
<div v-for="val in allValues" :key="val.value">{{val.value}}</div>