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How to optimize the performance of data pulling from a very large text file in excel via VBA

I want to get data regarding the value against a key cell value in a row. The problem is that the file is really big, I have a .txt file that has around 54000 rows and 14 columns so as such the text file itself is of 20 mb, and over that I need to get the value of D column against the value in F column. The values in column F are unique.

I have tried the direct approach till now to pull the data from .txt file and copy it to the sheet and then run a loop to get the attached value.

But the code is not able to pull data from the .txt file even after waiting for 15 minutes.

  Do While bContinue = True
  outRow = 1

  sInputFile = Application.GetOpenFilename("Text Files (*.txt), *.txt")
  If sInputFile = "False" Then
     bContinue = False
     Reset 'close any opened text file
     Exit Sub

     outCol = outCol + 2

     'process text file
     fNum = FreeFile
     Open sInputFile For Input As #fNum

     Do While Not EOF(fNum)
        outRow = outRow + 1
        Line Input #fNum, sInputRecord
        Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(outRow, outCol).Value = sInputRecord
     Close #fNum

  End If

  End Sub

I expected it to take some time but it is taking forever to run this code which kills the purpose of using the macro. I just request if someone has a better way to solve this issue.


  • The first part of the code is missing but I guess you declared variables. If not, that might help a little on performance.

    You can also try switching off calculations at the beginning of the process then switch them back in the end.

    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic

    You are saying that you only need the 4th and 6th column from the text but you put the whole line into a cell.

    If you really want to put only those two parts of a line into the sheet, you might want to do something like this:

     With Sheets("Sheet1")
         Do While Not EOF(fNum)
            outRow = outRow + 1
            Line Input #fNum, sInputRecord
            .Cells(outRow, outCol).Value = Split(sInputRecord,";")(3)
            .Cells(outRow, outCol+1).Value = Split(sInputRecord,";")(5)
     End With

    Change the semicolon to whatever character the separator is in the txt file.