I'm trying to create "Cache warmer" to run ONCE at the application startup, by calling genServer module "Cache"
I've created some code: GenServer "Cache Warmer", which is used to handle a single async call on application startup, configured with [restart: :temporary]. The main idea is return {:stop, :normal, state} after cast, to shut down the process
defmodule TlgmBot.Application do
def start(_type, _args) do
children = [
... some stuff ...
id: Services.Cache.CacheWarmer,
start: {Services.Cache.CacheWarmer, :start_link, [restart: :temporary]},
type: :supervisor
id: Services.Cache.Cache,
start: {Services.Cache.Cache, :start_link, []},
type: :supervisor
defmodule Services.Cache.CacheWarmer do
use GenServer
def start_link(_state \\ []) do
GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, [:ok], name: __MODULE__)
def handle_cast({:warm_up_cache}, state) do
debug "loading users..."
debug "done."
{:stop, :normal, state}
defp load_users() do
result = RedmineApi.request_rm_users()
case result do
{:ok, users} -> Cache.save_users(users)
_ -> {:error}
And process "Cache warmer" still running again and again
Please, point me to correct way to complete this task or help me figure out what am i doing wrong here.
Maybe i should add couple of lines in application.start() to call cache module here and forget about it?
Since your Cache Warmer doesn't use its state or need to exist once it has performed its duty, I would recommend you instead call a function either when starting your application or internally in a handle_continue
in your Cache. This would happen post init
so as not to block starting other children.