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Get command prompt out on one line

I am trying to get Model and Size of all local disks.
I want to output on one line for each disk.
Example: Model Samsung Size 500GB

@echo off
for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%d in ('wmic diskdrive get Model,Size /value') do (
    set Model=%%d
set Size=%%d
echo Model %Model% Size %Size%

But nothing.


  • As model descriptions may contain spaces, you need to format the output as csv, so the output is delimited by commas (I hope there aren't model descriptions that contain commas - I didn't see one so far).

    Without /value each disk is listed in one line (Node,Model,Size), so you need tokens=2,3. Add a skip=2 to remove the header line and add your fixed strings to the final output:

    for /f "skip=2 tokens=2,3 delims=," %%a in ('"wmic diskdrive get Model,Size /format:csv"') do @echo Model %%a Size %%b