I've got a custom mix task. its working perfectly, however, it is not triggering a compile when it is called like other mix tasks do. I can run the compile manually but this is very frustrating as I almost always forget to do it and have to run the task once or twice before I realize why I'm not seeing my changes.
Here is "my" task, what am i missing?
defmodule Mix.Tasks.Return do
@moduledoc """
Task for processing returns
use Mix.Task
require Logger
alias Returns
@shortdoc "Check for returns and process"
def run(args) do
|> get_return_file_name()
|> Returns.process()
|> Kernel.inspect()
|> Logger.info()
defp get_file_name(nil), do: get_file_name([])
defp get_file_name([]), do: get_default_file_name()
defp get_file_name([filename]), do: filename
defp get_default_file_name() do
|> DateTime.to_string()
|> String.split(" ")
|> List.first()
|> (fn date -> "default-#{date}.txt" end).()
You need to explicitly say in your task that you want to compile.
@impl true
def run(args) do
A couple examples are app.tree
, app.start
and phx.routes
This is because not all mix tasks require the compilation step. For example, mix deps.get
does not compile the project before fetching dependencies, else you may have lots of errors/warnings about missing modules. All the dependencies should be called manually, there is no implicit mechanism to call chains of tasks according to some “internal rules” built into mix