So my problem is that I would like the script to click on each class after it simply logged it in the console.
I've tried adding some .click() method after a few pieces of the code but no luck.
Here is the code below
var array = ['.button.color.color-41d841', '.button.color.color-dc0000', '.button.color.color-1e00e9', '.button.color.color-ff6f00'];
var interval = 1000; // how much time should the delay between two iterations be (in milliseconds)?
array.forEach(function(el, index) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, index * interval);
console.log('Loop finished.');
It just prints the element's class.
var array = ['.button.color.color-41d841', '.button.color.color-dc0000', '.button.color.color-1e00e9', '.button.color.color-ff6f00'];
var interval = 1000; // how much time should the delay between two iterations be (in milliseconds)?
array.forEach(function(el, index) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, index * interval);
console.log('Loop finished.');
try this, you need to find the element and click on it
var array = ['.button.color.color-41d841', '.button.color.color-dc0000', '.button.color.color-1e00e9', '.button.color.color-ff6f00'];
var interval = 1000; // how much time should the delay between two iterations be (in milliseconds)?
array.forEach(function (el, index) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, index * interval);