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Can I reload multiple divs with jQuery?

I'm currently trying to reload some divs by a class:

jQuery(".avatar-wrapper").load(location.href + " .avatar-wrapper>*", "");
img {
  width: 80px;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="avatar-wrapper">
  <img class="avatar" src="">

<div class="avatar-wrapper">
  <img class="avatar" src="">

I've multiple elements with the same class on a page so I expected that all elements getting reloaded with this but sadly it don't works. Maybe I need a direct reference but the best option would be one line of code. Any ideas how I can deal with this?


  • jQuery's .load() loads remote content into page elements. <img> elements are content-less so this is not going to work. You'd be better off removing all your images then replacing them with the ones from a $.post() response, eg

    $.post(location.href).done(doc => {

    Alternately, reload an element that wraps your images

    $('#some-container-element').load(`${location.href} #some-container-element`, '')