We are having some strange problems with free gifts.
After calling ProcessBasket-RemoveLineItem
, flag FreeGift
in ProductLineItem
that remain in the basket is changed from true to false.
It looks like the problem is in InvalidateBasketCalculation
pipelet (from bc_basket), called in ProcessBasketInvalidation-SetBasketInvalidationStatus
The information whether a product is a free gift is stored in the ComputedItems
of the basket calculation results. By calling the pipeline ProcessBasket-RemoveLineItem
, the basket calculation results are marked as invalid (as you correctly found out this is done by the pipelet InvalidateBasketCalculation
). As a result, existing ComputedItems
will be removed, as they may no longer be correct (note that this is a recent change that has been introduced with ICM; if you're using an older version there may be other causes for this problem). So the information whether a product is a free gift gets lost at this point of time.
To fix this, simply trigger the basket calculation again by calling pipeline ProcessBasket-Calculate