The deep watcher I set for this component does not update the store when I change the value of the text field. I cannot find a way to properly change the store object's (profile) key/value pair (groupName: string)
Profile.vue Element:
<v-text-field v-model="profileData.groupName" label="Group Name"></v-text-field>
Profile.vue JS:
import { mapGetters, mapMutations } from "vuex";
export default {
name: "Profile",
created() {
this.profileData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.getProfile()));
data() {
return {};
methods: {
watch: {
profileData: {
handler(value) {
deep: true
build.js (Module of store.js):
const state = {
profile: {
"groupName": "Happy group",
"groupNumber": "9999999999",
"groupContact": "Bob Ross"
const getters = {
getProfile: (state) => state.profile,
const actions = { };
const mutations = {
setProfile: (state, profile) => (state.profile = profile)
export default {
I'm not sure why the state is not updating. Does anyone know?
Thank you for reading
You shouldn't bind the state's variable like you did here: v-model="profile.groupName"
(in pratice you are mutating a prop outside vuex mutation and you are probably getting some console warning about that).
So you can copy getProfile
value to a local variable (vue's data()
) and dispatch an action to update profile
in state when you want (according to a handler or whatever).