I'm trying to render a list from my JsonResult Controller. It's ok, I receive data in my Angular service, but a in trouble to render it in a list using ng-repeat. It´s renders a big empty list. When the data is not a list, it´s works.
Angular. Debug
var app = angular.module('FileApp', []);
app.service('ngFileService', function ($http) {
this.getFileByFileCode = function (fileCodigo) {
var response = $http.get("/Files/GetFile?fileCodigo=" + fileCodigo);
return response;
app.controller('ngFileController', function ($scope, ngFileService) {
$scope.filterFileCode = "";
$scope.getFilteredFile = function () {
var promise = ngFileService.getFileByFileCode($scope.filterFileCode);
promise.then(function (resp) {
$scope.File = resp.data;
$scope.Message = "Call is Completed Successfully";
}, function (err) {
$scope.Message = "Call Failed " + err.status;
<td>Enter Search Value:</td>
<td><input type="text" ng-model="filterFileCode" class="form-
control" ng-change="getFilteredFile()" /></td>
<table class="table table-bordered table-condensed table-striped">
<th>Documentos Gerais File</th>
<tr ng-repeat="f in File">
I expect to render a list of boolens values.
**DataCriacao: "/Date(-62135596800000)/"
DataFim: "06/07/2018"
DataInicio: "26/06/2018"
DescricaoServico: null
FileCOM: (2) [true, false]
FileCTB: (2) [false, false]
FileCodigo: 190562
FileCodigoId: 0
FileCodigoNv: null
FileMimeType: null
FileSite: (2) [false, false]**
[SOLVED] I find de solution making the above solution:
<td><span ng-repeat="(key, value) in File.FileCTB track by $index">
<td><span ng-repeat="(key, value) in File.FileCOM track by $index">
<td><span ng-repeat="(key, value) in File.FileSite track by $index">
I solved this problem storing in a viewModel object all date below:
DataCriacao: "/Date(-62135596800000)/"
DataFim: "06/07/2018"
DataInicio: "26/06/2018"
DescricaoServico: null
FileCOM: (2) [true, false]
FileCTB: (2) [false, false]
FileCodigo: 190562
FileCodigoId: 0
FileCodigoNv: null
FileMimeType: null
FileSite: (2) [false, false]
So, I can iterate only in the attribute that is collections ou array.