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Is there a method to read form data from HttpServletRequest?

I'm receiving the Form Data by adding @FormDataParam to a parameter of the REST Interface.

Our companies code guidelines state, that we should not use more then 7 parameters in a method. So I would like to reduce the number of parameters for this REST Interface.

public Response upload(@Context final HttpServletRequest request, @FormDataParam("file") final file, @FormDataParam("file") final FormDataContentDisposition fileMetaData, @FormDataParam("file") final FormDataBodyPart formDataBodyPart, @FormDataParam("networksegments") final String networksegments, @FormDataParam("users") final String users, @FormDataParam("username") final String username, @FormDataParam("token") final String token) {
    //Some code

I´m searching for a method like request.getFormData("name") to make the parameter obsolete. The above code is working fine, I want optimization.


  • You can create you own bean with @FormDataParam parameters and add to bean and then use one @BeanParam for all parameters in endpoint

    class OrderBean {
        private String clientName;
      // getter/setters
      public Response post(@BeanParam OrderBean order) {}