I have 2 arrays:
(1800 difference in each timestamp)
) from particular start hour to end hour for a day. I need to merge both arrays to form the array of objects representing the available and booked slots:
let availableTimeslots = [
let bookedTimeSlots = {
bookings: [
timestamp: {
from: 1559719800,
to: 1559723400
timestamp: {
from: 1559730600,
to: 1559732400
I need to create array of objects, something like:
available: true,
timeslots: [1559709000, 1559710800, 1559712600, 1559714400, 1559716200, 1559718000]
available: false,
timeslots: [1559719800, 1559721600, 1559723400]
available: true,
timeslots: [1559725200, 1559727000, 1559728800]
available: false,
timeslots: [1559730600, 1559732400]
available: true,
timeslots: [1559732400, 1559734200, 1559736000, 1559737800, 1559739600]
I am really confused on how to proceed with this
I am thinking on to replace the value in availableTimeslots
with the desired booked slot object and later on all the non-object values with {available: true, timeslots: [...]}
bookedTimeSlots.bookings.map((bs, i)=> {
let ai = availableTimeslots.findIndex(bs.timestamp.from);
ai > -1 && (availableTimeslots[ai]={available: false, x : [..._.range(bs.timestamp.from, bs.timestamp.to, 1800)]});
Any help would be appreciated.
There's a lot of ways you could solve this. One way to simplify it is to take advantage of the fact that there's a known increment (1,800) between timeslots, so rather than trying slice up the array of timeslots, you can generate a new array of timeslots for each "chunk" given a start and end timeslot. In the below snippet you can see a basic recursive solution that takes this approach:
const INCREMENT = 1800;
// Utility function to generate an inclusive range
function rangeIncl(start, end, incr = INCREMENT) {
return start < end ? [start, ...rangeIncl(start + incr, end)] : [end];
function timeslotGroups(startTimeslot, endTimeslot, bookings) {
const [booking, ...restBookings] = bookings;
if (booking) {
if (startTimeslot < booking.from) {
// startTimeslot is before next booking.from; add available group
return [
available: true,
timeslots: rangeIncl(startTimeslot, booking.from - INCREMENT),
...timeslotGroups(booking.from, endTimeslot, bookings),
if (startTimeslot <= booking.to) {
// startTimeslot is between booking.from and .to; add not-available group
return [
available: false,
timeslots: rangeIncl(booking.from, booking.to),
...timeslotGroups(booking.to + INCREMENT, endTimeslot, restBookings),
// startTimeslot is after booking.to; try again with next booking
return timeslotGroups(startTimeslot, endTimeslot, restBookings);
// No more bookings; add final available group if there are any
// timeslots left
return startTimeslot < endTimeslot ? [
available: true,
timeslots: rangeIncl(startTimeslot, endTimeslot),
] : [];
const availableTimeslots = [
1559709000, 1559710800, 1559712600, 1559714400, 1559716200, 1559718000,
1559719800, 1559721600, 1559723400, 1559725200, 1559727000, 1559728800,
1559730600, 1559732400, 1559734200, 1559736000, 1559737800, 1559739600,
const bookedTimeslots = {
bookings: [
{ timestamp: { from: 1559719800, to: 1559723400 }},
{ timestamp: { from: 1559730600, to: 1559732400 }},
const firstTimeslot = availableTimeslots[0];
const lastTimeslot = availableTimeslots[availableTimeslots.length - 1];
// Bookings will be easier to work with as an array of { from, to } objects
const bookings = bookedTimeslots.bookings.map(booking => booking.
const groups = timeslotGroups(firstTimeslot, lastTimeslot, bookings);
Note that this code assumes that bookings
will be in chronological order.