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How to access standard eclipse icons

I am building a tree table using Nebula nattable and am trying to style it like a swt tree table. The issue now is I am trying to use the same icons for decorators as an swt table and can't find them.

The current icons are selected with the following:

 TreeImagePainter treeImagePainter =
                new TreeImagePainter(
                        GUIHelper.getImage("right"), //$NON-NLS-1$
                        GUIHelper.getImage("right_down"), //$NON-NLS-1$
                        GUIHelper.getImage("leaf")); // This is an empty image acting as a placeholder to match the
                                                        // indentation

I would like to replace them with the icons shown in this image:
A is the desired icons, B is the current icons.
enter image description here

Is there a relativity easy way to achieve this?


  • These icons are coming from the operating system and afaik there is no easy way to access them. At least I have not yet found a way which is the reason for having those icons in NatTable itself.