Search code examples

ReferenceError: t is not defined - there is no JS error existing

I created a simple 'page objects' example. I get the following error messages when executing the test case:

  1. AssertionError: expected false to be truthy
  2. Unhandled promise rejection

I used the following commands to execute my test:

npm run test:firefox


npm run test:firefox -e

I hope someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong.

// page object (navbar-page.js)
import  { Selector } from 'testcafe'
class NavbarPage {
    constructor() {
        this.searchBox = Selector("#searchTerm")
    async search(text) {
        await t.typeText(this.searchBox, text, { paste: true, replace: true }).pressKey('enter')
export default NavbarPage

// Test case (search.test.js)
import  { Selector } from 'testcafe'
import NavbarPage from '../page-objects/navbar-page';
const pageObject = new NavbarPage()

fixture`Search test`
    test('Search box should work', async t => {
        const result_title = Selector('h2').withText("Search Results:")'banking')
        await t.expect(result_title.exists).ok()

My expectation:

  • The test case shall insert the term "banking" within the search input field.
  • Test case shall press enter to search for the given term.
  • Result page shall display the results.


  • the variable t doesn't exist in your NavbarPage class. So calling t.typeText causes an exception.