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Is it possible to force SSLHandshake to always use the hostname, not IP for HttpsUrlConnection

So I have this situation: I try to download an image from using HTTPS. The domain is probably misconfigured, but unfortunately I can't change that. What exactly is happening:

When I browse to I get a valid certificate issued for, which is perfect. But when I call the same site using it's IP address, say - I get a (also valid) certificate for * - the certificate of the hosting company.

Now, I try to download the contents of the file using Java's HttpsUrlConnection, nothing special:

var urlConnection = new URL(imageUrl).openConnection();
((HttpURLConnection) urlConnection).getResponseCode();

(I want to first check the response code, but it's not important here.)

This code runs inside a Spring Boot App and is run on request. It works fine for the first request since booting the app. Each subsequent request fails with No subject alternative DNS name matching found. It's because on each subsequent request the SSL Handshake is sent to the IP, not hostname, and get's the hosting company's certificate.

I was trying to find different settings for the SSL classes, but to no avail. I know there is a workaround where I could supply my own HostnameVerifier which could just return true, but that won't be secure, so I don't want to do that.

Did anyone encounter such problem? Maybe I'm searching in the wrong places? Maybe it's something with DNSes? I will appreciate any help.


  • Turns out it is a bug in Java 11.01. It is fixed since 11.02. After switching to 11.03. the behaviour I described above is gone. Each request gets a proper certificate.

    Here are the details of the bug: