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How to check/uncheck all nodes of tree panel and after that only send request to server in extjs?

I am new to extjs and I have used tree panel. I have written code for checking and unchecking the checkbox of tree control. I have structure of tree something like below.

|-Parent 1
    |- Child 1
    |- Child 2
        |- Sub child 2.1
        |- Sub child 2.2
    |- Child 3
    |- Child 4
        |- Sub child 4.1
        |- Sub child 4.2
    |- Child 5
    |- Child 6

|-Parent 2
    |- Child 1
    |- Child 2
        |- Sub child 2.1
    |- Child 3

in listener, I have written code for checking and unchecking the node, lets say If all nodes are selected and user uncheck Sub child 2.3 then Child 2 and Parent 1 both gets uncheck and that is working fine.

Now the problem is evertime this check/uncheck event happens, it fires a DB Call. I want to make it like once let it finish all the check/uncheck operation and then make a db call in single shot instead of every time. I am confused that how to make it happen? below is the code for the same.

items: [
    Ext.create('Ext.tree.Panel', {
        checkPropagation: 'both',
        itemId: 'datasourceCustodianTree',
        rootVisible: false,
        store: {
            fields: ['value'],
            root: {
                expanded: true,
                children: treeData,
                text: 'Source:',
        listeners: {
            checkchange: function (node, checked, options) {
                var list1 = [], list2 = [], list3 = [];
                var tree = me.down('#datasourceTree');

                // Propagate change downwards (for all children of current node).
                var setChildrenCheckedStatus = function (current) {
                    if (current.parentNode) {
                        var parent = current.parentNode;
                        current.set('checked', parent.get('checked'));
                        suspendEvent = true;

                    if (current.hasChildNodes()) {                                                

                if (node.hasChildNodes()) {

                // Propagate change upwards (if all siblings are the same, update parent).
                var updateParentCheckedStatus = function (current) {
                    if (current.parentNode) {
                        var parent = current.parentNode;

                        var checkedCount = 0;
                        parent.eachChild(function (n) {
                            checkedCount += (n.get('checked') ? 1 : 0);

                        // Children have same value if all of them are checked or none is checked.
                        var sameValue = (checkedCount == parent.childNodes.length) || (checkedCount == 0);

                        if (sameValue) {
                            var checkedValue = (checkedCount == parent.childNodes.length);
                            parent.set('checked', checkedValue);
                            suspendEvent = true;
                        } else {
                            // Not all of the children are checked, so uncheck the parent.
                            parent.set('checked', false);
                            suspendEvent = false;



                this.getChecked().forEach(function (item) {
                    if ( !== "root" && item.isLeaf()) {
                        if ( === 'item1') {
                        } else if ( === 'item2') {
                        } else if ( === 'item3') {

                // DB Call to get data on any checkchange event.
                me.updateData(list1, list2, list3);

How to pefrom such operation? I have tried to make suspendEvent('checkchange'); and after it resumeEvent('checkchange'). But that is not working as it will call this event only once.

Now I am clueless, what to do?


  • I have investigate and issue was in my code. I have used a property which I was unaware that what it will do and I have removed that property. Removed this property and everything works fine. checkPropagation: 'both'