I want to add SSL support to my REST server. I use Grapvine 3.1.
I did some web research but I only find SSL releated information for Grapevine version 4.
Is SSL supported with version 3.1? If yes is there any documentation?
Using SSL with Grapevine 3.1 is just as easy, from the code side, as it is with 4.x.
Grapevine 4.x:
server.UseHttps = true;
Grapevine 3.1
Use the protocol
constructor argument or change the property before starting the server.
var server = new RestServer(protocol: "https");
server.Protocol = "https";
Both Versions
In addition to that, you will need to create a certificate and configure the machine that the server is running on to use that certificate. If that's new to you, I'll refer you to this post on setting up HTTPS support for HttpListener.