Im currently writing a flattened DTO object to CSV using the csvhelper's csvwriter. Is there a way to conditionally ignore certain fields if they havent yet been initialised or are null in the mapper ? I see the ignore flag takes a boolean , but how would i get access to the field in question to test for this.
Apologies if this has been answered elsewhere but have searched both teh github issues aswell as stackoverflow.
The answer for me, was to pass in a collection of fields/columns to ignore into the mapper. This involved me checking the data collection for any empty values on all rows, if so then i can omit that column completely. Then i pass this requiredFields collection into the mapper like so .
public sealed class ApplicationCsvWriterMap : ClassMap<ApplicationDto>
public ApplicationCsvWriterMap(List<string> requiredFields)
Map(m => m.Id).Index(1).Name("AppId").Ignore(!requiredFields.Contains("id"));
Map(m => m.Status.Text).Index(2).Name("Status").Ignore(!requiredFields.Contains("status"));
Map(m => m.ApplicationTimestamp).Index(3).Ignore(!requiredFields.Contains("applicationTimestamp"));
Map(m => m.LastModified).Index(4).Ignore(!requiredFields.Contains("lastModified"));
Then I can setup the mapper like so , passing in the requiredFields collection like so
else if (results.Data is List<Application> applications)
csvWriter.Configuration.RegisterClassMap(new ApplicationCsvWriterMap(results.RequiredFields));