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I want to calculate the complexity of this program, I think the complexity of my code is O(b^w) where b is the size of total bikes and w is the size of total workers, though I'm not sure.
In my "bikeAssign()" function which basically works as dfs, At first 1st worker has b (total bikes) options to choose, 2nd has b-1 options to choose, so I think time complexity would be like this-
(b)(b-1)(b-2)......(b-w) which is nearly equals to O(b^w).
Space complexity: O(w) for dfs (bikeAssign()) only
int assignBikes(vector<vector<int>>& workers, vector<vector<int>>& bikes) {
int w = workers.size();
int b = bikes.size();
vector<vector<int> > dist;
//complexity O(w*b)
for( vector<int> worker : workers ) {
vector<int> v;
for( vector<int> bike : bikes ) {
v.push_back( abs(worker[0]-bike[0]) + abs(worker[1]-bike[1]) );
vector<int> vis(b,0);
//complexity O(b^w) My calculation
return bikeAssign(dist, vis, 0, w );
int bikeAssign( vector<vector<int> > &dist, vector<int> &vis, int cnt, int w ) {
if( cnt == w )
return 0;
int res = INT_MAX;
for( int i=0;i<dist[0].size();i++ ) {
if( vis[i] == 0 ) {
vis[i] = 1;
res = min( res, dist[cnt][i] + bikeAssign( dist, vis, cnt+1, w) );
vis[i] = 0;
return res;
This solution is accepted, but I'm getting confused in complexity. Can someone help me to figure out- 1. The complexity of this program with an explanation. 2. Let me know if there is any other solution with a better complexity.
Any help would be appreciated.
Since this algorithm recursively scans all possible variation without repetition of bikes collected by workers, complexity is proportional to this number of variations.
So it is o(b!/(b-w)!)
where b = bikes.size()
and w = workers.size()
. So this algorithm doesn't scale very well.
This looks like a problem similar to traveling salesman problem (but you have multiple "salesmans").