Below code simply states that for my range, if it contains a value of 1 (or 100%) or greater then highlight it in red.
But I want to know respond (in case conditional is met) a message box without having to go through the next procedure, which will pop the message box as many times as there are red cells (for how many cells meet the condition x >= 1)
Is there a way to do this, to have just one message box pop up if condition is met; if condition is not met, another message box will pop up, like MsgBox("good to process")
I've tried looping out the message box but doesn't appear to work
Sub myCode()
Dim iRow As Range, cell As Range
Set iRow = Range("J16:M43")
For Each cell In iRow
If cell.Value >= 1 Then 'message box here will repeat
cell.Interior.Color = 255
End If
End Sub
Essentially you need to set a variable to 'remember' if the condition is met.
Sub myCode()
Dim iRow As Range, cell As Range, conditionMet as Boolean
Set iRow = Range("J16:M43")
For Each cell In iRow
If cell.Value >= 1 Then
cell.Interior.Color = 255
conditionMet = True
End If
If conditionMet Then
'Message for condition met
'Message for condition not met
End if
End Sub