I would like to read the continuous output stream of commands like tcpdump
from within a c++ program.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>
std::string outputcmd(std::string cmd){
std::string data;
char singlelinedata[1024];
FILE * streamdata;
streamdata = popen(cmd.c_str(), "r");
cmd.append(" 2>&1");
std::cout << feof(streamdata);
// if(fgets(singlelinedata, 1024, streamdata) != NULL ){
// data.append(singlelinedata);
// }
if(fread(singlelinedata, 1024, sizeof(singlelinedata)/sizeof(singlelinedata),streamdata)){
return data;
int main(){
std::string outp;
outp = outputcmd("sudo tcpdump -i any -v");
std::cout << outp;
return 0;
It is giving me only the first line output of tcpdump -i any -v
I dont want to Write to file and read again
like following.
Make tcpdump -i any -v -w myfile
to get it written on file and read continously
Try something like this:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>
void outputcmd(std::string cmd){
char buffer[1024];
FILE * pipef = popen(cmd.c_str(), "r");
int res;
if((res = fread(buffer, /*note order here*/ 1, sizeof(buffer), pipef)) > 0){
std::string block(buffer, res);
std::cout << "read from pipe: [" << block << "] size " << block.size() << std::endl;
int main(){
outputcmd("sudo tcpdump -i any -v");
return 0;
One note from the manpage
Note that output popen() streams are block buffered by default.
so you will get the results with some delay and in big chunks, not line by line.