I get a data set from another web api. It may contain multiple records from different clients. I have to transform these data and write them to the client's database. Each client has their own database. The schema of the client databases are exactly the same.
I created a DbContext factory that creates a new instance of DbContext based on the client the app is currently working on.
public ClientDbContext CreateClientDbContext(string clientNumber)
var optionsBuilder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<ClientDbContext>();
var clientConnection = string.Format(_configuration.GetConnectionString("clientConnection"), clientNumber);
clientDbContext clientDbContext = new ClientDbContext(optionsBuilder.Options);
return clientDbContext;
I use the factory this way:
foreach (var case in caseList)
var clientDbContext = await _clientDbContextFactory.CreateClientDbContext(case.ClientNumber);
_clientRepository = new ClientRepository(clientDbContext);
var updatedCase = /// transform case here
await _clientRepository.CreateCases(updatedCase);
Is there an optimal why of doing this? It's possible that several rows of data will have the same client, so I would like to reuse the same ClientDbContext.
You can move your logic for creating ClientContext
into another responsible class (according to SOLID principles), something like DbContextFactory
and store there created DbContext
's for each client. Like this:
public class DbContextFactory
private readonly IConfiguration _configuration;
private readonly Dictionary<string, ClientDbContext> _clientContexts = new Dictionary<string, ClientDbContext>();
public DbContextFactory(IConfiguration configuration)
_configuration = configuration;
public ClientDbContext GetOrCreateClientContext(string clientNumber)
// if you have context already created - return it
if (_clientContexts.ContainsKey(clientNumber))
return _clientContexts[clientNumber];
var optionsBuilder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<ClientDbContext>();
var clientConnection = string.Format(_configuration.GetConnectionString("clientConnection"), clientNumber);
var clientDbContext = new ClientDbContext(optionsBuilder.Options);
_clientContexts[clientNumber] = clientDbContext;
return clientDbContext;
Then in your worker class you can group your data by ClientNumber
, for each client create (or get already created) DbContext
and repository, then do data update.
public class Worker
private readonly DbContextFactory _factory;
public Worker(DbContextFactory factory)
_factory = factory;
public async Task DoWorkAsync()
// group by ClientNumber
var groupedCases = caseList.GroupBy(x => x.ClientNumber);
foreach (var groupedCase in groupedCases)
// For each client create context and repository
var clientContext = _factory.GetOrCreateClientContext(groupedCase.Key);
var clientRepository = new ClientRepository(clientContext);
foreach (var @case in groupedCases)
var updatedCase = // transform case here
await clientRepository.CreateCases(updatedCase);
You can use dependency injection or just create these clases like that:
var factory = new DbContextFactory(yourConfiguration);
var worker = new Worker(factory);
await worker.DoWorkAsync();