In a bukkit project, something to simplify the creation of commands, I did something that worked but I want to try new things (to learn how to use these things: Annotations!!) but in my code when I look in my code if there is an annotation "Command" on my method it returns "null" and I do not understand why 🤔
My code that looks for the annotation "Order" in my class :
for(Method method : clazz.getMethods()) {
Command ann = method.getAnnotation(Command.class);
if(ann != null) {
// Creates the command
My annotation class :
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
public @interface Command {
String command();
String name();
String desc() default "";
String[] aliases() default {};
boolean admin() default true;
I hope you'll help me find out where my mistake is. And I want to apologize for my English because I am a kind of French and I know that my English is not very good:/
PS: I am a young developer so don't blame me if the answer is obvious, I try to learn by myself, everything I have learned is not with a teacher or another....
You need to mark your annotation with @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
in order to be available for query in runtime.
public @interface Command {
String command();
String name();
String desc() default "";
String[] aliases() default {};
boolean admin() default true;