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Azure guest user access issue

I am running a webapp on Azure. This app is a botservice whats connecting to Cortana. When I logged in with original account which I creted the Azure portal its works but if I try use the app with an other ms account (ofc I added the account in azure ad as a guest user and gave it GA).

Tried to remove the account and add it back again - desnt help. Tried to add it as a co - admin - doesnt helped at all. Tried to add to Access control (IAM) as an owner - doesnt helped. Tried to add ti Access control (IAM) in the app services - doesnt helped.


  • Cortana Skills can be shared with other users either by "Publish to group " or "Publish to world". You could create a group and then invite users to join the group to be able to access the skill. Please go through the documentation :

    If not shared , the skill will be accessible only to the developer who created the skill.