I'm trying to serialize using boost property tree write_json, it saves everything as strings, it's not that data are wrong, but I need to cast them explicitly every time and I want to use them somewhere else. (like in python or other C++ json (non boost) library)
here is some sample code and what I get depending on locale:
boost::property_tree::ptree root, arr, elem1, elem2;
elem1.put<int>("key0", 0);
elem1.put<bool>("key1", true);
elem2.put<float>("key2", 2.2f);
elem2.put<double>("key3", 3.3);
arr.push_back( std::make_pair("", elem1) );
arr.push_back( std::make_pair("", elem2) );
root.put_child("path1.path2", arr);
std::stringstream ss;
write_json(ss, root);
std::string my_string_to_send_somewhare_else = ss.str();
and my_string_to_send_somewhere_else
is sth. like this:
"path1" :
"path2" :
"key0" : "0",
"key1" : "true"
"key2" : "2.2",
"key3" : "3.3"
Is there anyway to save them as the values, like:
"key1" : true
or "key2" : 2.2
I ended up adding another function to my utils to solve this:
#include <string>
#include <regex>
#include <boost/property_tree/json_parser.hpp>
namespace bpt = boost::property_tree;
typedef bpt::ptree JSON;
namespace boost { namespace property_tree {
inline void write_jsonEx(const std::string & path, const JSON & ptree)
std::ostringstream oss;
bpt::write_json(oss, ptree);
std::regex reg("\\\"([0-9]+\\.{0,1}[0-9]*)\\\"");
std::string result = std::regex_replace(oss.str(), reg, "$1");
std::ofstream file;
file << result;
} }
Hope that helps.