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Regex validation pattern only allows one character

I'm trying to make functions for validating usernames, emails, and passwords and my regex isn't working. My regex for usernames is ^[a-zA-Z0-9 _-]$ and when I put anything through that should work it always returns false.

As I understand it, the ^ and $ at the beginning and the end means that it makes sure the entire string matches this regular expression, the a-z and A-Z allows all letters, 0-9 allows all numbers, and the last three characters (the space, underscore, and dash) allow the respective characters.

Why is my regular expression not evaluating properly?


  • You need a quantifier, + or *. As it was written that only allows 1 of the characters in the character class.

    Your a-zA-Z0-9_ also can be replaced with \w. Try:

    ^[\w -]+$

    + requires 1 or more matches. * requires 0 or more matches so if an empty string is valid use *.

    Additionally you could use \h in place of the space character if tabs are allowed. That is the metacharacter for a horizontal space. I find it easier to read than the literal space.

    Per comment, Update:

    Since it looks like you want the string to be between a certain number of characters we can get more specific with the regex. A range can be created with {x,y} which will replace the quantifier.

    ^[\w -]{3,30}$

    Additionally in PHP you must provide delimiters at the start and end of the regex.

    preg_match("/^[\w -]{3,30}$/", $username);

    Additionally, you should enable error reporting so you get these useful errors in the future. See