I am using fabricjs to load image and textcontents.
I have many textcontents on canvas with fabricjs.
now on click of textcontents of fabricjs I want to open Angular 7 popover may be (ngbPopover).
how to open that on click of textcontents, like we are opening dialogbox?
because I can not inject popover config anywhere in fabricjs.
Actually I was trying to say something like this, And I found solution here.
const showImageTools = (e) => {
const content = '<div id="imageDialog" class="container">\n' +
' <mat-form-field class="example-full-width">\n' +
' <input value="' + pngText.texts + '" id="textInputField" style="width: 400px;\n' +
' box-shadow: 2px 4px 5px 3px #bdc3bdee;height: 50px;\n' +
' padding: 5px;\n' +
' border-radius: 5px;" matInput placeholder="Add your texts"/>\n' +
' </mat-form-field>\n' +
' </div>';
pngText.on('mousedown', event => {