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package sun.awt does not exist

When compiling with ant, calls to sun.awt.AppContext work, however the same code compiled with IntelliJ fails using AdoptOpenJDK11.

  • sun.awt.AppContext with Oracle JDK8 works with IntelliJ
  • sun.awt.AppContext with AdoptOpenJDK11 does NOT work with IntelliJ

Although Sun/Oracle has warned for a while about avoiding the sun.* packages, there are certain features (bugs?) in Java that still require them and stranger, the command line seems happy.

Sample code:

package test;

import javax.print.PrintService;
import javax.print.PrintServiceLookup;
import sun.awt.AppContext;

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //Update printer list in CUPS immediately
        AppContext.getAppContext().put(PrintServiceLookup.class.getDeclaredClasses()[0], null);

        PrintService[] printers = PrintServiceLookup.lookupPrintServices(null, null);
        for (PrintService p : printers) {

enter image description here

How does one configure IntelliJ to behave like ant and allow access to sun.awt.* packages?


  • Disable the Use '--release' option...:


    See this answer for details.